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Official Website of Author and Educator

French Dive

Living More with Less in the
South of France

Eric Freeze grew up in southern Alberta, Canada in the shadow of the Canadian Rockies. He studied creative writing and African-American literature in the US, getting a PhD at Ohio University and eventually teaching at Wabash College in Indiana where he is a tenured professor. He writes both fiction and creative nonfiction, and teaches in other genres such as screenwriting and writing for video games.


French Dive: Living More with Less in the South of France is Freeze’s second book of creative nonfiction. His first is a collection of essays titled Hemingway on a Bike (2014), another book that also celebrates his experiences living and working in France. He has published two short story collections: Dominant Traits (2012), and Invisible Men (2016), and a recent textbook, Story Mode: The Creative Writer's Guide to Narrative Video Game Design (2024).  His stories, essays, and translations appear in numerous periodicals including The Southern Review, Boston Review, and Harvard Review.


He is married to academic and birth educator Rixa Freeze and is the father of four bilingual soccer-crazed children. He lives half the year in Crawfordsville, Indiana and the other half in Nice, France.


A captivating and insightful meditation on making a home among strangers.

KIRKUS REVIEWS starred review

for French Dive



February 7-10, 2024: AWP Conference, Kansas City, MO. "Story Mode 2.0: Exercises for Writing Narrative Video Games."


October 5, 2023: Interviewed on WGN TV Morning Show:


September 23, 2023: Featured on CNN Travel: "This US-based couple bought a cheap apartment in France to give their kids a different upbringing"


July 5-7, 2023: La Maison Baldwin Writers Conference, Nice, France.


March 10, 2023. AWP Conference, Seattle, WA: “Story Mode 1.0: Teaching Narrative Video Games and How to Write Them.” 


October 14, 2022: Reading at Brigham Young University. English Reading Series. Noon, HBLL Auditorium.


October 13, 2022: Reading at Helicon West. 7 PM, CacheARTS Thatcher-Young Mansion. Logan, UT.


June 16-17, 2022: International Conference on James Baldwin, Nice, France: Baldwin and White Identity: Trouble with Friends and Allies.


March 25, 2022: AWP Conference, Philadelphia, PA: Game On 3.0: Teaching Branching Narratives.


November 4, 2021: Reading at Café Simone, 8 PM, Nice, France.


June 26, 2021: With Pam Houston, Nate Marshall, and Jake Skeets on Desire. Printemps des Poètes. Grotte du Lazaret, Nice, France.


March 8, 2021: Interview with Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies. 



March 7, 2021: "FRENCH DIVE and FINNA: Authors Eric Freeze and Nate Marshall On What It Means to Be a Neighbor, a Member of a Community, and a Global Citizen." Book Bar Bookstore, Denver, CO.



Feb 16, 2021: French Dive book launch. Wabash College, IN. (Zoom virtual event)​


Jan 21, 2021: Readings by Writers: Eric Freeze, with Pam Houston.



Dec 4, 2020: Reading at The King's English bookstore, Salt Lake City, UT



Nov 23, 2020: Interview with Slant


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